Drift Magazine Interview

Recently, Rachel Bardin an excellent photographer and generally interesting person was gracious enough to come over to my studio/house and talk for several hours about my thoughts on painting, photography, and teaching. You can check out her personal photographic work HERE

I am very thankful for her ability to whittle down the conversation to something resembling coherency. Reading the responses, I can tell how mentally preoccupied I was from a busy day of teaching. Frequently it takes me a while to switch gears. My favorite quote, which didn't make it in was "maybe things were just more brown then" in relation to late 70's photographs (this statement is currently written in pencil on my studio wall). And the question of whether or not young adults will see low resolution pixelated photographs as romantic once the early 2000's becomes "vintage". Maybe I will strike it rich by making that an Instagram filter.

 Without further ado, I very happy to present an online interview about my artwork found HERE!